Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Short Note After A Long Absence

It's been so long since my last post - busy, busy, busy!!! I finally finished setting the office up and, well, basically:
- I can't wait to get to work in the mornings
- Sunday sleeps are brilliant because I know I'm going to the office the next day
- I can't BELIEVE that homework is doing stuff like reading food magazines or checking out a great restaurant
- Everyday is filled with new, exciting adventures. Meeting new people, sampling new tastes, learning new techniques.
- I get to take as much time cooking and eating and not feel guilty about it cos it's work!
- I'm sleeping better than I have in ages

I'm as happy as a pig in ****... and I don't know what took me so long to take this leap!!

All the niggledy-piggledy obstacles I encountered on the way were SO WORTH IT!!!

Till the next time here are pix of the office. I promise to update more often!!

Thank you thank you thank you everyone who helped make this happen!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratsgratsgrats! Hv missed your posts. Place looks bright and cheery and homely. We're very happy for you and wish you a fruitful journey. Keep us POSTED :)

Christine said...

Thank you the Chevezzzesesesss...hey we missed you at the last SL gathering!!

dsowerg said...

Congrats Christine. Stumbled onto your blog. We were classmates from RGS :)

Christine said...

Eveline as in...Prefect Eveline?????

dsowerg said...

Not really, the NPCC one :)