Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Story of Me (I) : No-One Special

A dunce then, and still a dunce now

This is a blog about my dreams and the bumpy road to make them a reality.

I'm an ordinary girl, living an ordinary life. I haven't been gifted with extraordinary drive or focus. I'm not a genius. I don't have access to a million-dollar trust fund. I don't have any particular talent or skill. I've never had a calling to do anything. My parents aren't self-made gajillionaires that mentor me. I have no ties to Ong Beng Seng.

I'm no-one special.

But I hope. I believe. I reach.
I also doubt. I fear. I fail.

I've read countless books on starting a business - but for some reason, it always seemed as though the entrepreneurs already had a clue to begin with. Or endless pits of money. Or an MBA. Or endless energy. Or were fantastic salesman that never stayed down...but how do ordinary people do it??? Correction - how do ordinary people full of doubt and fear of the unknown do it?

So I wanted to chart my progress - my successes, my failures, my learnings - to encourage you, aspiring entrepreneur, and also to share my resources and ideas. And whether I succeed in this venture or fail miserably, or never get it off the's proof I tried.

But first gather around, children. Let me tell you a little about me and the long, winding road I took to arrive at today.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I stumbled across this googling something else. It's a great motivational tool, keep it up. I will be suscribing to your blog and hope you make it to the very end. Good luck!

Christine said...

Thanks so much for the kind words and encouragement Phillip. I'll try not to disappoint :)