Ongoing problems with the new location, so I finally wrote a really bitchy note to the estate agents last night. I feel guilty about it, even though I am fully justified in writing it. But I still feel....BAD! I'm disgustingly passive-aggressive. I'd rather give someone a dirty look and the cold shoulder than confront them and talk about the problem. Thank god for email!
I also wrote to the Institute of Estate Agents last week - no bloody response! When I rang them, they dismissed my enquiries with a "sorry we're just the Secretariat and don't have any information". Hopefully someone can enlighten me on what exactly is the point of the IEA's existence if they can't answer questions by phone or email. Oh hang on, it's to look after estate agents and not the rest of us. Duh.
There really needs to be representation for buyers/tenants. Maybe there is and I just don't know about it!
Anyway we've been shopping for the office. Well, browsing. I'm so reluctant to actually commit to a purchase. Nervous!
But one thing (well, 2 things) I have bought are a pair of grey singing finches housed in beautiful antique cages. I love the sound of birdsong, it makes me happy! I plan to hang them on the office porch to welcome people who come to visit.
We've named them Tweetle Dum and Tweetle Dee.
Cuties! Love the names too!
Thanks Jenny! They haven't really started to sing just yet, but true to their name, they tweet all day long!
Thanks for visiting!
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